1. Sociology provides explanations for the stages of societial control of your own body (how your thinking effects your behaviors and others around you)
2. Instead of labeling the contents of opinions as subejective, Sociologists study and prove how those opinions are learned/developed
3. Sociology proves free will isn’t real
4. Studying sociology is a way out of mental torture and is rather a reward for itself – “learning for the sake of learning”
5. Sociologists know the difference between making a false equivilence whilst comparing behaviors – either physical behaviors or mental behaviors (yes, thinking is a form of behavior)

Organizations and Markets

| Peter Klein |

It’s no secret that academic intellectuals tend to favor socialism and interventionism over the free market, agnosticism and warm-and-fuzzy universalism over orthodox Christianity, cultural relativism over tradition and authority, and so on. Indeed, studies of US professors’ political affiliations consistently find a strong leftward bias. Hayek ascribed the hostility of the intellectual classes toward capitalism to selection bias. Schumpeter noted the intellectual’s “absence of direct responsibility for practical affairs,” emphasizing “the intellectual’s situation as an onlooker — in most cases, also an outsider — [and] the fact that his main chance of asserting himself lies in his actual or potential nuisance value” (Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, 3rd ed., p. 147).

Now comes a new study of academics’ political affiliations using voter-registration records for tenure-track faculty at 11 California universities. The study, by Christopher F. Cardiff and Daniel B. Klein, finds an average Democrat:Republican ratio…

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